Here's the spectacular lineup for our
Breakout Session 3 (Friday 1:30pm-2:20pm)
*friendly reminder also register for Breakout Session 1 & 2.
Please choose your seats for one of the following speakers for
Breakout Session 3.
Equipping All Believers for Organic Outreach - The Fruit of Evangelism. Spiritual conversations don’t have to be forced and uncomfortable, they can be a natural part of our lives. God wants our faith to overflow into our daily interactions in organic ways. We all have stories of God's power and presence in our lives. There are many ways to share the truth of God's love for us with people who don't yet know Him as their Savior. Presenters: Organic Outreach International-Rev. Dr. Kevin Harney is the Lead Pastor and Sherry Harney is the Executive Director of Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at Shoreline Church in Monterey, CA.
Loving Across the Lines of Difference: Race, Sexuality and Politics: The troubling dynamic of outrage -- of "trusting in ourselves that we are right, and treating others with contempt" (Luke 18:9) -- is as old as time. In today's climate, outrage is especially rampant around contested issues such as race, sexuality, and politics, just to name a few. Presenter: Scott Sauls, Nashville pastor and author, will help us examine the counter-cultural way of Jesus in a culture that is turning in on itself. Specifically, we will look at how gentleness, which is a fruit of the Spirit as well as a word Jesus used to describe himself, can become our "secret weapon" in an age of us-against-them.
How the 5 Love Languages® Can Make Your Church a More Loving Place: The 5 love languages® are frequently used by counselors and churches to help couples strengthen marriages. Those same concepts can be applied among staff and volunteers, with leadership boards, within programs, and throughout congregations to improve communication and foster strong relationships. This workshop will review all 5 love languages and provide examples for using them effectively within a church setting. Presenter: Jolene Philo is both parent and daughter of loved ones with special needs and disabilities, as well as a former educator who worked with children for 25 years.
Family Life at the Intersection of Loving God and Loving People. The American family culture is consumed with comfort and creating a pathway of ease. How do we become families that are on mission for God’s kingdom rather than their own personal gain? This workshop will first examine a pathway to service and sacrifice at the intersection of loving God and loving people instead of comfort. Secondly, how do you do that without sacrificing your family at the same time. Presenter: John Gerhardt is the Executive Director of Urban Impact-New Orleans who strives to help raise the children of Central City, New Orleans; a community riddled with crime, blight and poverty.
Alpha Anywhere: Where Questions Create Community. Alpha is a series of video sessions that can be used in person or online to explore the Christian faith. Each video looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. People are longing for connection, hope and peace and Alpha is perfectly positioned to help provide what they are seeking. We have seen that even in these unforeseen circumstances, God can reach more people and even create communities through this ministry of Alpha even when used online. Presenters: Amy Thorson helps to equip and serve the Church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus. Through the ministry of Alpha, we create safe spaces where people can ask questions, experience God, and watch as he transforms hearts and lives. And Lora Trost has a crazy passion for people to grow as a follower of Christ. She wants people to know how much they’re loved by Jesus and to equip them to live into their God-given calling. As part of the Alpha USA Team, Lora equips and serves churches in their mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.